Miyerkules, Pebrero 1, 2012

Fishtecides! by: Airam Olivenza

Water pollution simply makes fishes sick, then eventually they die. Humans are the biggest threat to the fishes, there are many ways we can pollute the sea like using pesticides that run off into water. The following are other factors that affect the sea creatures.

Nutrients   -  these are commonly used in farms that are leaked from sewage feed algae in the ocean. The algae with increased amount of nutrients, grow at a rapid rate and form what we called red tides. Red tides releases toxins that kills fish. NUTRIENTS = FISHTECIDE.

Oil  -  these are from industrial and automotive runoff and oil spills can coat the skin of the fish and kill them. Oil also introduces toxins to the fishes that causes desease and birth abnormality and death. It also affects the marine mammals by damaging its protective ability of the skin to keep it warm. OIL = FiSHTECIDE.

Trash  -  espacially plastics that are thrown into the sea are sometimes  digested by the fished mistaken it for food. It can cause blockage of the fish's digestion system and kill the fish. Plastic items can get stuck around the neck of marine animals causing them to slowly choke to death. TRASH = FISHTECIDE.

Noise Pollution  -  noise comming from boats can stress the sea animals, stress can cause marine life to become sick. Some marine animal will not mate duea to stress of the noise pollution.  NOISE POLLUTION = FISHTECIDE.    

Radioactive Waste  -  chemicals form factories and military waste can be absorb my the fishes that can cause abnormality. RADIOACTIVE WASTE = FISHTECIDE.

4 (na) komento:

  1. Naalis ng may-ari ang komentong ito.

  2. Thanks for this article but there will be one and only one source of water pollution...HUMANS. Nutrients, oil, trash, noise pollution, radioactive waste and other sources of water pollution are all rooted from human's activities and doings. So we must act now and prevent our co- steward of God's creation to their wrong acts to our environment.

  3. This article is very informative as it is. A very good example of these water pollution is the Pasig River itself. It's a good thing to know that many concerned citizens and organizations are trying their best to clean the said river. I hope we can help in this act.

  4. For me people are the pollutant of waters, so to solve this problem, strict implementation of the laws to the people is needed. A iron hand is a must if needed!
